2022 events

Activities of the DANUBE ANTI-POVERTY FOUNDATION in 2022

Birthday commemoration

November-December, 2022 

Birthday commemoration

October, 2022

Awarding the title of honorary citizen

September-October, 2022

The history of the
honorary citizen title of Petz János

As a native of Szederkény, he did not forget his native village even during his life in Canada, and he wished to take care of the local needy by designating a charitable asset in his will. 

In February 2019, the Danube Anti-Poverty Society Foundation was established, which was called to turn this noble idea into action.

Over the years, the locals have received a lot of help from the Foundation, which continues to provide assistance to this day. The local municipality also monitored our work, in which the head of the municipality's social office, Magdi Ottóné Rott, actively participated. The foundation suggested that the merits of the late János Petz should be recognized by the Local Government with the title of civil servant.

The municipality put on the agenda the awarding of the title of civil servant, which was approved, a big thank you to Municipality Mayor Balázs Maml, Deputy Mayor Renáta Ulbert, Clerk Dr. Tamás Szlávetz and, last but not least, to the local representative body.

The civil title was handed over on September 2, 2022, at the vintage ball. Mayor Balázs Maml praised the merits of János Petz and introduced the work of the foundation to the audience, then invited the present representatives of the foundation to the stage, accompanied by deputy mayor Ulbert Renáta and the Baranya county representative, and presented them with the posthumous civil title of the late János Petz.

Then dr. On behalf of the foundation, György László Szabó accepted and thanked the commemorative plaque as well as the commemorative medals and assured the locals of further assistance.

After the ceremony, the evening continued with cultural and musical programs.

Budapest, 03.10.2022 

Discivil speech

Dear Mayor, Dear Szederkény Municipality, Dear citizens of Szederkény,

After the honorable mayor's words, allow me to also introduce you to the beginning of the foundation that helps the residents of Szederkény, dreamed up by János Petz, and to conclude my speech by praising the relationship between the local municipality and the foundation.

In november 2018, the phone rang in my office and an unknown Canadian lady called me. We introduced ourselves and during our short conversation she told me the purpose of her call. It was then that I learned the name of János Petz, a native of the village of Szederkény, who had passed away a few weeks earlier. In accordance with the will of the later founder named in the will, Ms. Luymila Meyers, János Petz, the lady asked me to organize a foundation that would provide assistance, and to edit the foundation document for its legal operation. After we agreed on the details, the founder had to travel to Hungary, when we visited János Petz's beloved village together with the future members of the board of trustees.
In accordance with the Founder's request, the Foundation was registered at the Capital Court on February 7, 2019, so it could legally start its operation.
Well, how can I say, from then on, the life of the organization that was born a few days ago became interesting. Knowing the world of the Internet/phone calls, messages/calls unfortunately occur in which the honest way of communication is not prioritized.

The purpose of the foundation is clearly laid out in the founding deed of the Foundation, so as a curator and as the foundation's legal representative, I have no choice but to contact the locals so that we can carry out our work as efficiently as possible for the benefit of the people of Szederkény, and for that you need to know the local circumstances
I called the Szederkény municipality personally, so I was able to talk to the mayor at the time, Mr. János Hergenrőder, who listened with interest, but finally said that he receives such calls every day and does not give much credit to such miracles. However, at my request, he gave us the opportunity to have a personal meeting, where both the documents and what we said made us believe that miracles do exist, which was also facilitated by the fact that János Petz was also known especially among the older residents.

After trust was built between the Foundation and the Municipality, the joint work has been going on for almost 4 years. The Municipality and here I will name those who have supported the work of the foundation with their trust and are currently helping, without claiming to be exhaustive, Mr. János Hergenrőder, the previous and current mayor Balázs Maml, deputy mayor Ms. Renáta Ulbert, dr.Tamás Szlávitz town protonotary, Zoltán Czigler and his team, who excelled in compiling and delivering the gifts, and Rott Ottoné Magdi, whom we respect and love very much, with whom the foundation received help without which, especially considering the distance, the foundation's work would be much more difficult. it would be more difficult.

I would also like to thank you and the members of the Municipal Representative Council for their approval decision, as a result of which a memorial plaque introducing the person of János Petz was allowed to be placed in the park next to the church, where the locals can show their gratitude to their benefactor, and then in recognition of János Petz's charity, he was inaugurated as a citizen of the village. Here I would like to highlight the voluntary and selfless help of Márta Jánosné Stiefel, who ensured the regular maintenance and decoration of János Petz's memorial plaque. We gratefully thank all of them for their kind cooperation.

With respect and thanks to you,

On behalf of the president and the board of trustees.

dr. György László Szabó 

Birthday commemoration

February, 2022


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